寫作練習主題:請向一位從 2150 年穿越回來的歷史學家,解釋「購物商場」是什麼。請注意,2150年的時候可能已經沒有購物商場。


Hi Steve, welcome back! It’s my honor to share how shopping malls looks like in our daily life. Comparing with people in 2150 mostly shopping on internet, people in 2000s still heavily relied on shopping in physical stores. And shopping malls were places where you could find almost everything. In addition to a lot of stores, most malls also had facilities like cinemas, game centers for those who were not so interested in shopping.

Most shopping malls were located in the suburb of cities, so it could be a disadavantage for those who didn’t have thier own cars. Also, price in shoping malls usually were higher in compare with the price on internet, due to rents and revenue share policies.

In short, shopping malls are still an important place for people in 2000s. It’s a place where you can find all your groceries and also have lots of fun!

大意:Hi Steve,歡迎穿越回來。我很開心能向你介紹購物商場對我們這代人的意義。2000年代的人,依舊相當仰賴到實體店消費,而購物商場就是個可以讓你一次購足所有物品的地方,裡頭也有很多娛樂設施,讓不愛購物的人也可以找到樂子。購物商場大多位於市郊,對沒有車的人來說可能不太方便。此外,受到店租和分潤機制的硬想,購物商場的售價普遍也會比網購售價還要高。不過,對 2000 年代的人來說,購物商場依舊是個可以讓你同時滿足日常購物或娛樂需求的地方!

【寫作家教測試 1】檢查基本錯誤、給予進階寫作建議

#Constraints -Please check my article in #Practice base on the rules below. (請根據以下規則,檢查 #Practice 中的文章) -Please pick out all the spelling and grammar error in the article and list each of them in Correction(檢查拼字、文法錯誤)

-Give me some advises on what I can do to improve my writing skills in #Advise.(給我一些能加強寫作能力的建議)


Hi Steve, welcome back! It’s my honor to share how shopping malls looks like in our daily life. Comparing with people in 2150 mostly shopping on internet, people in 2000s still heavily relied on shopping in physical stores. And shopping malls were places where you could find almost everything. In addition to many stores, most malls also have facilities like cinemas, game centers for those who were not so interested in shopping.